How I Crashed My Immune System
by Simon
I'm not like that; I maintain my health with the time-tested virtues of a positive attitude, gallons of coffee and at least seven hours a day resting on my divan watching premium cable. But sometimes I slip. I'm now enjoying day six of a delightful cold, and I blame it on too much of a good thing.
That good thing? Trayf, my friend.

Faithful readers of this blog know of my fondness for pig meat. I have written passionate verse in its honor, and thoughts of its golden hue, crisp yet pliant texture and explosive bursts of fatty, salty flavor on the tastebuds forever distract me from whatever task is allegedly at hand. Still, I was half-joking when I asked Julia if she thought it would be possible to have a meal consisting entirely of The Other White Meat.
Some joke. Here's what we had, I kid you not:
- Bacon-wrapped dates stuffed with Cabrales and almonds, in a honey-port reduction
- Bacon-wrapped prawns on toast points in a garlic cream sauce
- Serrano ham and Manchego sandwiches on Catalan bread
- Albondigas (veal-pork meatballs)
- Breaded pork loin stuffed with bacon and ham
Then we got home and rolled into bed. Then I rolled out of bed. Then I tried to sleep on the couch. My head felt funny. My stomach rumbled ominously. I was visited by the ghosts of St. Augustine, Edith Piaf and Buddy Hackett, none of whom offered much encouragement. No sleep was forthcoming.
Julia is at pains to point out that among the first symptoms I experience with a cold is denial. I try to pawn it off on allergies or some damn thing, because admitting that I'm about to plunge into a vision quest of sniffling, coughing, throat-clearing and general whiny misery is too much to contemplate.
In any case, my immune system crashed like the L.A. power grid during a heatwave. Also, there was a heatwave.
Sera suggested the possibility that God was punishing me for my excessive flouting of the Chosen Peeps' dietary laws. I reject this hypothesis for several reasons. Among them:
1. Julia didn't get sick, and she ate all the same stuff.
2. Why hit me now, when I've been consuming the cloven-hoofed for ages?
3. I don't believe in God.
The question is this: Would I go back and substitute a healthier meal in order to dodge this bout of stuffed-up bullshit? I would not.
And that's what makes me the trayf-lovingest Jew in all of Christendom.
In fact... I could totally go for some bacon right now.
Very intresting, indeed. Pity, that my english is so bad, that I could'nt understood a half of this. Have a nice day, anyway!
Marilyn, we suggest you continue to read the blog. You'll achieve a Nabokovian mastery of English in no time.
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